Yearly Christian mission trip from Wisconsin to Azua, Dominican Republic to feed His people both spiritually and physically.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 6 - Tuesday

Written February 23, 11:30 pm
Starting to wind down.
Morning devotions were led by Duane – Hebrews 11.

This morning was set aside for Compassion. Paul, Dan, Eric and Shawn each sponsor a child in Azua through Compassion International; a Christian organization that has schools throughout the world. The children meet a few hours each weekday and get a meal, medical check-ups and a Christian education. The sponsors and children also correspond throughout the year. The team bought ice-cream for the entire school and the men took the kids to their homes. They delivered presents, encouraged their child and talked and prayed with the family. They make it a point to do this every year. Less than 1% of the over 1 million Compassion kids throughout the world ever get to meet their sponsors. It's always a treat to spend that short time with these precious children that the Lord has put in their sponsor's lives.

One of the many side stories happened today while on the streets during the Compassion visits. Jim and Eric came across an old man who was wearing mismatched shoes carrying a gunnysack. They greeted the man and handed a track to him. It became obvious quickly that the man was blind as he did not look at the track and instead was feeling it. Young Pablo was called over to interpret. The old man said he was on his way to buy food. They helped him cross the street and Dan gave the man coins to buy what he wanted – a day's worth of food – his daily bread for about $1.30. For whatever reason the Lord allowed this man to come in contact with our team today. We just thank Him.

As the team will be heading to the capital tomorrow afternoon to begin the journey home, loose ends and final tasks need to be wrapped up. One such task was the purchase of 2 gas ranges. One for Ricardo and Carmen for their house and the second for the Rehab center. The previous stoves were hardly working and in terrible condition. Both Ricardo and Carmen were overjoyed as these gifts were not expected.

After a late lunch the team packed up and went to another of the many villages about 10 miles outside of the city which never seem to be touched by the modern world. The team did some relatively brief meet-and-greet with the villagers and left food with the pastor.
The group then went back into the city to the Center for the Blind which the Way-Mor Lion's club has been supporting. The center is run by a Christian couple who have a real heart to help the blind succeed in a culture where a disability can be a curse. The team was given an update on current and future projects.

Late in the day a visit was made to the “Home Church”. This is a church that the team built over the course of a couple of trips a few years ago. They listened to the children sing and Dan, Paul and Duane gave a message. Sweet rice was served to the kids and food was left with the pastor.

The evening ended like it typically does on the last night of the trips. Everyone involved with this mission gathered at Ricardo's for pizza and soda topped off with a cake baked by Sonia. Besides the American team, the rehab guys, Ricardo and Carmen, Both Pablo's and their wives, and various pastors and associates that had anything to do with this years' mission attended. It is such a highlight of the trip as so many Holy Spirit filled people gave testimony and shared their thoughts and thanks. The American team is humbled beyond words with the hospitality and love that these people have for us and especially Jesus. It ends up being a love fest of Jesus and His disciples working here in Azua and beyond. Many hugs, many tears.
Tomorrow we have a few more loose ends to secure and visits to make before leaving Azua for Santo Domingo in the afternoon.

While not home yet, the team would like to thank all of those who have supported them with prayers and donations. This trip would not have nearly the impact without them. We have been blessed with safety and good health throughout the week and most importantly have been able to spread the love of Jesus to those in need.

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