Yearly Christian mission trip from Wisconsin to Azua, Dominican Republic to feed His people both spiritually and physically.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Looking Back

     While a bit groggy after 18 hours of travel yesterday I felt it necessary to give a recap of the past 9 days while things are still relatively fresh in my mind. Not only is this important for followers of the team, it is an archive for future teams and an accountability for our financial supporters.
     Every team is different and some human element of concern can be present as to the final team makeup prior to the trip. This was the latest any team has been determined as "final" as Phil was only officially on board less than 3 weeks prior to departure. As was the devotion topic the first morning in the DR, we don't know why God chooses particular team members prior to going but when looking back every year it becomes apparent his hand was at work the entire time. Each member has a gift, that gift was used and the body would not perform as well as it did without each gift. The focus was on Christ and not on individual agendas. Pride was put aside and humility and service reigned.
     Not in any previous trip has as much been done during the 9 days the complete team was in Azua.  A relatively large budget that did not go towards wells was the primary factor but team efficiency and an extra half day in Azua also contributed. In 2013 half of our budget went into well drilling. While the team plans to continue with the wells and money was set aside for this in 2014, many things need to come together logistically for a well to actually be realized.
     This is the 10th year for this trip and the 8th year in which the focus has been as it is now; both evangelical and construction in nature. The number of local contacts continues to grow and our repeated presence in the community has brought with it much knowledge and respect at the local and even national level. This has allowed many doors to be opened that would have been closed in the past. In past trips we would be involved in maybe one or two building projects. This year multiple projects were ongoing concurrently.
     Building projects included:
        - concrete floor for church (our and DR labor)
        - concrete floor and roof for church (DR labor) - they were worshipping with only walls!
        - concrete floor for rooms in special needs home (our and DR labor)
        - concrete ramp for disalbed center (our and DR labor)
     In addition to the building projects these are the larger ticket items purchased/funded:
        - chairs for YWAM, various churches
        - food packages for 359 families (1125# rice, 400# beans, oil)
        - Bibles (500 adult, 1500 children's)
        - money for at least one well
        - yearly funding for feeding programs at multiple sites (nearly 1000 children!)
        - electric/solar inverter for special needs school
        - abacus' and scribes for blind (with help from Lion's club)
     As this trip is all about Christ and serving Him, much of our time and effort is spent evangelizing and spreading the gospel. For this team this takes different forms:
        - passing out 1400 tracts throughout Azua and neighboring villages
        - guests on Nathanial's daily Christian radio program
        - guests at local church services
        - visiting 2 jails and witnessing to prisoners
        - meeting with the blind and disabled
        - visiting special needs, Project Four, Compassion schools
        - 6 showings of the Jesus film with a message, call to prayer and worship afterwards
     Yes, we were busy. The day usually began with devotions at 7am and ended with a debrief around 11pm. Very few (and very short) siestas were enjoyed. There were no complaints, however. Having a singular purpose and limited time the team wanted to make the most out of it. They wanted to imagine their Lord saying to them when time had run out: "well done, good and faithful servant".
     It was a great trip any way you can imagine. Much was accomplished and the name of Jesus was spread to thousands of people. Each of the team members were strengthened in their faith. The evidence of God at work was very apparent and He revealed himself many times. It was a life changing experience for some. Others who have been on this team for some time grew greatly in using the gifts God gave them.
     We were on the mountain top while in the DR. When doing His work, surrounded by His people without the outside world distracting you tend to get a spiritual high. The faith muscle is strengthened by exercise and this trip is a workout. Emotions run high as you witness the combination of poverty and suffering but are shown greater faith.  It's also emotional when you witness firsthand the blessings, protection and doors being opened by God Himself. He is good indeed.
     Until next year….


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Loose Ends

     Dan let us sleep in today so devotions didn't start until 7:15! Tom led a sometimes emotional study of the Good Samaritan and how it relates to our mission in the DR. Today was Compassion day with the afternoon at the blind. A lot of running around to different places and tying up loose ends is done on this day also.
     The team did their yearly visit to the local Compassion International school where some of the team members have sponsored children. The school currently has 265 students where 4 days a week for half a day they are fed both the Word of God and physically. They tend to be some of the poorest kids in an already poor nation. We play with them, deliver ice cream and walk home with our sponsored kids to meet and pray with their parents and deliver gifts.
     The visit to the blind center is always the last official ministry stop of the team for the year. Being blind in a third world country seems hopeless to us but their strength of faith is incredible. They are working at being totally self-sufficient. Our team (along with help from Lion's Club back home) blessed them with digital audio bibles, scribes, abacus' and brailers.
     Jamie and Katrina joined Nathanial on the airwaves talking about sexual purity. It was very well received in a country where teenage pregnancy is the norm.
     After project visits, bank runs and last minute wrap-ups the team prepared the house for the going away party. Approximately 55 guests showed up for pizza and cake. These are our local ministry partners and their families. It was another spirit-filled evening of song, prayer, speeches, hugs and goodbyes.
     After a final meeting a tired but blessed and satisfied team ended the evening around 11:30. While our time has come to an end in the DR for 2014 our ministries here continue year-round. Check back to this blog in the coming days for a final recap and video.

See you tomorrow

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Nearing the Finish

     Today was the last full day of ministry in Azua and going into it the team was determined to finish strong. The day started spiritually as every other day but instead of a devotion at the house the team went to the YWAM base in town to join in worship; powerful.
     The team then visited Project Four (Hannah) which is a school recently constructed with the help of Pablo and past team member Sonia. It is partially operated by the Nelson's and teaches 160 students every week in an especially poor area. They asked us to stop by for a visit. The kids sang for us and we played with them.
     On the way back to the house for lunch Shawn and Chloe went to the radio station with Nathanial for his daily half hour spot. Shawn discussed biblical marriage and Chloe and Shawn discussed Christian parenting and the temptations of teenagers.
     Dan, Tom and Nathanial went to the capitol to speak to a high ranking official about future well drilling in the area. The discussion went very well with the government agreeing to pay for much of the costs and expediting the process. This looks good for future wells in the area.
     While they were in the Capitol the rest of the team visited a village called Las Veritas. They have been here before and found it again lacking in almost everything but faith. They blessed the community with clothing, food and bibles. The team showed the Jesus sketch on the iPad, worshipped and gave a message. The visited ended with the kids singing and those fabulous DR hugs. Another great spirit-filled visit where we found ourselves being blessed more than blessing them.
     The day ended with the last Jesus film of the trip (6 total this year) in the church where the major construction project took place of pouring a floor. The church was packed, Shawn gave the message, Duane talked about how much alike the team is as the Dominicans and the night once again ended with music, dancing and prayer. It was a great final showing.
     The team debriefed and was excused around 11:30pm.

Gloria Dios (Glory to God)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tastes Like Chicken

     The day started again at 7am with devotions led by Duane on Romans 10 on faith and witnessing. After breakfast Duane, Paul and Tom went to do construction for the morning and into early afternoon. It consisted of mixing concrete (by hand) and pouring bedroom floors in a very poor house where a family member was disabled. They also purchased a mattress as his was wet and in disgusting condition.
     The rest of the team visited the marketplace which is full of people and the sights, sounds and smells of Azua (like watching chickens being "processed"). It's always a learning experience sometimes filled with spiritual moments. It's also a great way to pass out tracks as about 450 were.
     Those that went to the market then travelled to the Haitian village of Pastor Wilfredo to encourage them and the feeding program the team funds throughout the year. The kids sing for us and it's like seeing family that one time of year. The team then went up the road with Wilfredo to another church and feeding program where once again a room packed full of kids praised Jesus. After the two feeding programs the team (minus Jim and Phil who were on the radio with Nathaniel) went back for lunch at Wilfredo's of yucca, rice and chicken.
     A visit to the disabled group in town was next and turned into an emotional time for both the team and those we visited. Being disabled is a burden in any country and in the DR it is especially difficult. Tom, Shawn and Jamie shared a message.
     Supper was a chicken cookout at a house near our house owned by one of two Christian brothers we have gotten to know the past week. They have a very nice place on the hillside and were very appreciative of our work the past week and years so we were quick to take them up on their invite.
     The Jesus film was shown near Wilfredo's village and was very well attended. Shawn gave the message and Dan talked to the young men. The night ended with prayer, music and dancing in the park.
     A reminder that Shawn and Chloe will be on the radio at 10:30 Tuesday on 89.1ternura. Also take a look at the facebook page for pics.

God bless until tomorrow

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jail Time

    Morning devotions at 7am were led by Dan. He talked about how God has plans for our lives and the legacy we want to leave after we're gone.
    The girls had some free time while the men visited the jail. The Sunday morning visit is a staple of this trip. Approximately 200 prisoners are enclosed in a very small building where the men join the prisoners in worship and each gave a message pertaining to their condition or specific to the sins of men.  As cameras are not permitted in the prisons it's difficult to explain the difficult conditions these men live in.
     While taking Nathanial back to his house God opened another door. Nathanial was planning on visiting the larger jail outside of town so the team took the chance to see if they could also preach there. This prison is much more strict with security so visitation is difficult. They required passports but thankfully Shawn was still carrying everyone's copy. They were able to each give messages again but this time to a much larger and different audience. It was a real blessing to spend the entire morning witnessing to these men and giving them hope.
     After lunch the team spent some time at the beach. While this area is very poor it is only a few miles from the ocean (it's not developed so no tourism). It was good to enjoy God's creation in the warm surf.
     Empanadas and yucca was tonight's fare for supper. Then the team went to Alberto's church and dropped off Paul, Jim, Chloe, Jamie, Chris, Katrina and Tom. Jim gave the message.
     The remaining team (Dan, Shawn, Duane and Phil) continued on to a village to show the Jesus film. They set up on a basketball court so had built-in seating for the approximately 200-300 that attended. Shawn gave the gospel message and Dan shared about the team.
     Traffic in the DR is let's say "not as organized" as in the states. Very fast, congested, many different types of vehicles and lack of both rules and following the rules that are in place is the norm. On the way back to the house and while stopped at a red light downtown, the team bus was hid hard by a motorcycle from the rear. Only by God's design was the motorcyclist not killed as he was thrown into the back window. Phil, Chloe and Shawn were in the rear seat but the curtains stopped much of the flying glass as the window exploded. Only the word "Dios" remained intact (God). While accidents can happen in any country, in the DR we travel in the safest vehicle there is.
     A bit shaken but relieved and blessed team did a debrief and finished the day around 11pm.
     Take note: team members will be on local radio with Nathanial the next 3 days. You can listen over the internet at 81.9ternura from 12:30-1:00pm Azua time (10:30-11:00am central). Monday is Phil and Jim, Tuesday Shawn and Chloe and Wednesday Chris and Jamie.
God bless and please keep praying

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feeling Warm and Blessed

     Another Spirit-filled day began at 7am with a devotion led by Chris on Seeking God with all your heart. As usual per Chris, it was sometimes an emotional hour. Breakfast was pancakes, oatmeal and fruit.
     Half the group (Paul, Duane, Chloe, Phil and Jamie) went to the construction site to finish the entrance area. Of course the cement mixer was being used by someone else so the remaining concrete had to be mixed by hand. 3 hours of hard work in the 90 degree sun. Dan had a difficult night being sick so he stayed back in the morning to recover.
     The rest of the team visited the Nelson's church where the team sponsors a year-round feeding program of about 300 kids. We built a pavilion for them a few years ago and they are part of our ministry here. We gave them a message, they sang for us and we participated in a feeding. They are in a very poor area so we blessed them with a suitcase of shoes donated by a young girl from Dan's church. They were very moved. This is an area that has much evil and they are doing so much good.
     After a late lunch of grilled ham and cheese sandwiches we visited the kids that are part of the church where we did the concrete pour. The team spent over an hour playing with about 150-200 kids. Kudos to Chris, Chloe and Jamie who painted faces for the entire time. Phil and Dan put together a ball game in the street.
   Pablo burgers were for supper but had to be eaten quickly as the team needed to go to an informal service at well 1. Messages were given by Nathaniel, Dan and Shawn along with discussion about replacing the hand pump with electric and much praise to God from the community. They are truly thankful to God for the gift of clean water. Hundreds of families are being served.
     Everyone went to the Jesus film tonight in an area that was about half Haitian. It was very well received with well over 200 in attendance. Shawn gave the gospel message, Dan gave a message for the young men and Genesis did a call to prayer with many people coming forward; especially young men. Another Spirit-filled evening.
     The team was home by 10pm and had a debrief with much good news. Many doors are being opened with ministry possibilities and building projects. There are too many to mention here but just one example: the team is involved with 3 church construction projects just while we are down here!
     The team is a bit warm and tired but eager to finish this trip strongly. Many emotional times have also been experienced.
Missing you but feeling blessed

Friday, February 21, 2014

God's Blessings Continue

     The morning started early at 7am with devotions led by Paul from various verses on hope and trusting God.  Breakfast was eggs, ham and the ever-present local selection of pineapple, banana, mango and melon.
     Today was construction day. This meant pouring concrete for a new church floor. This was a good-sized pour as the dimensions were 20'x60'. Good Dominican help along with the muscles of Paul, Duane, Tom, Chloe, Phil and Jamie allowed them to finish all but the entrance.
    During the construction Shawn, Kris, Jim and Katrina canvassed the area witnessing. Many tracks were passed out, sick people prayed over and blessings given in the name of Jesus. A number of "God moments" took place. Lunch was the standard DR meal of chicken with beans and rice at the construction site.
     After supper the team split up. Dan, Duane, Kris, Jamie, Phil and Katrina went to the Dancing Church and some of the team shared. Shawn, Paul, Tom and Chloe showed the Jesus film in a nearby village. About 100 people were in attendance and Shawn gave the message. Many prayers and worship afterwards. There's nothing like parking a bus across an intersection and giving the saving message of Jesus for 2 hours!
     Upon returning to the house a debrief was done and the team was excused for the evening by 11:30.
     Except for some tiredness, minor sunburn and Paul's voice the team continues to be in good health. We do need continued prayer, however, as spiritual warfare against the team is real and being felt. We are doing good and someone doesn't like it. Look to the facebook page for pics.

Jesus te ama

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 1: This Is The Day The Lord Has Made

     A great start to the 2014 trip. The team arrived safely in Azua around 5:30 local time last night (3:30 Central). The first night's activities centered around getting the house set up for 11 people to sleep in 4 beds (rest on mattresses on the floor) and share 4 bathrooms. We have the downstairs of the house rented by the local YWAM leader. Good accommodations for the DR. After supper time was spent getting to know each other as there are 4 new members which were not at all the team meetings. Pastor Wilfredo stopped by for kind words as did Nathaniel. We discussed the coming days. A quick run for ice cream and passing out tracks led to meeting a former jail inmate who the team had preached to during an earlier trip!
     Day 1 was a typical first day. Morning devotions were led by Shawn titled "One body, one purpose, fully committed" from various scripture verses. After a breakfast of fruit and pancakes Duane and Paul left to get the first construction project off the ground (concrete pour for a church floor). Dan left to run errands with Nathaniel which included being on the radio. Many doors were opened for them today for this year' strip and future projects. Dan learned of a church worshipping 7 days a week with only concrete walls and no roof or floor! $2000 was given for this need which covered all the material cost! The members felt tremendously blest by God.
     The majority of the team visited a special needs school near the house. These are grade school aged kids who have a variety of physical limitations. About 80 listened to messages given by Shawn, Tom, Phil and Jamie. As Jamie said in her message: we could never preach about Jesus to schools in the U.S.
     That same group then returned to the house to package beans, rice and oil. 1125# of rice, 400# of beans and individual oil bottles were broken and repackaged into 359 family sized bags to be distributed throughout the week.
     After an early supper the entire team set out to show the Jesus Film in an outlying community. Like many other areas, this village struggled with poverty, teenage pregnancy and abuse. We don't count but a couple hundred or so attended with a good response to the movie, a message given by Shawn on the power of the cross, music and prayer.
     The team returned to the house by 10:30 for a debrief from today and briefing for tomorrow. It was really a Spirit filled day here in the DR with the new members maybe a bit amazed by the work being done by God through us. The team is healthy and has gelled very well. Please continue praying for these blessings to continue.

     I will attempt to post pictures on the Facebook page but may be unable as the internet connection is very slow.

God Bless