Yearly Christian mission trip from Wisconsin to Azua, Dominican Republic to feed His people both spiritually and physically.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sand & Surf

Day 4 – Sunday

This morning's devotion was led by Eric and focused on the relationship of faith and works (Romans 4, James 2). After a quick breakfast of cereal and pb&j the men travelled to the prison for their yearly Sunday morning message.

Before entering the prison building our bus driver Genesis gave a great message to the prison guards. Genesis is a relatively new believer but has the heart of a pastor. It is evident that he has been annointed and baptized by the Holy Spirit and he has become an important part of the team. We have a strong feeling that one day soon Genesis will find his calling as a shepherd of his own flock.

While with the prisoners, nearly all of the men gave a message directed specifically to men and sin. Many talked of their own past ways. While it is a “captive” audience, many decided today that they wanted to give their lives to Christ. It is amazing to see how God works and even more amazing that he uses a bunch of sinners like us to do His will.

After stopping back at the house to collect the girls the entire team went out to the Haitian village. The area was canvassed to bring all of the children to the pavillion that the team built over the past 2 years. Here the children sang songs for us and Pastor Wilfredo and Genesis gave messages. After team introductions sweet rice was served. While living in deplorable conditions, these people are so beautiful and special to us. We only wish we could serve them more.

Returning to the rehab center the team took turns playing basketball with the rehab boys. While the rehab boys have youth on their side, the team has experience (a nice way of saying they are old). Laura and Pedro tended to dominate. At least no one hurt anything but their pride.

A quick stop at the house and then the team went to the beach (only about 3 miles south of the house) to enjoy an hour in the surf. A small team went with Pablito and passed out tracts along the beach. They couldn't stay long as Pablo was making his famous burgers and fries at the rehab center.

It was another typical night schedule with some of the team setting up the Jesus film and the other half helping with a church service. After some difficulties with the forces of evil the Jesus film was shown to about 100 people in a dusty field. The church service went well after Jim was able to borrow reading glasses from someone in the crowd.

The trip is going fast. It's hard to believe that the end is already in site. While we want to be back with our families in Wisconsin and Washington it will be hard to leave Azua. It seems too soon. These people need so much what God can offer using us.

Spirits, camaraderie, health and focus are high. This is a spiritually equipped group of men and women and each member serves the body well. It has become so obvious that God chose this team. Our love for these people is only surpassed by our love for Christ. We thank you so much for your prayers. It is apparent they are being said. Please continue until we arrive safely home.

Gracias Jesus (Thank You Jesus)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

God is Good

Day 3 – Saturday

After morning devotions led by Mark, the team enjoyed another wonderful Dominican Breakfast. Some of the team was hoping to lose a few pounds on the trip but the abundance of good food is making that hard.

A small victory was had concerning this blog this morning. After walking up and down the street looking for free wifi Shawn was able to find a connection and get the password from the corner store.

The team is showing a little wear from the combination of long days, noisy sleeping conditions (traffic, dogs, and snoring by Betsy) and the emotional stress of witnessing but spirits are high and health is good. This is a very real blessing for a group this size. While about half of the team is new this year, they have gelled extrememely well for one purpose: showing God's glory.

The team split three ways in the morning. A purchasing team went with Dan and Paul to buy needed items. Witnessing teams led by Jim and Shawn went out from the El Bambu restaurant passing out tracts, children's bibles and witnessing to whoever they would come across. As Azua is a typical third-world city, the streets are very busy during the day so there is no end of people to talk about Jesus.

The team then loaded up and travelled to two villages outside of town. While things are poor and lives hard in town, life in the rural villages is more difficult yet. Sweet rice, toys, and crosses were given to the children and the women on the team spent time with the vilage girls painting their hands or faces.

It was really special at the second stop. The church was too small for the crowd we had so the work of the Holy Spirit quickly took over. In a matter of minutes a team was leading the children in the church, a team was leading the women in the yard of a bar and a team was leading a group of men. It's amazing how this village which appeared to be in the control of Satan was now cherishing new bibles. It was another example of how the Holy Spirit can work when His disciples step out in faith.

When the team arrived back to the house around 4pm a meal was served and then an hour or so of down-time to recoup. Around six we went out for the night's activities. It was another night of one group worshipping in a local church and a second group showing the Jesus film. The film was shown in an especially tough part of town but the Lord gave us who he wanted to. The church service again went very well with Hank & Laura making a special impact.

With a team this size it's impossible to report on everything that may happen during the day. So many individual stories are experienced by each of the 14 team members and all the people they come in contact with. Some of these will become special memories that I am sure they will be happy to share with you on their return.

The evening was finished on a celebratory note as the team enjoyed cake and ice-cream at Nathaniel's in-laws in celebration of Dan's and Lance's birthdays. Sonia presented Dan with a present from one of her travels. Another late night but the Holy Spirit is keeping everyone energized.

Until tomorrow, Dios te bendega (God Bless You)

Another Great Day in the DR

Day 2 – Friday

The day started with some “mission trip housekeeping”. That meant going through and sorting about 12 suitcases full of donated clothes, exchanging money and finding internet access to update the mission blog. The house has wifi but we can't track down the password. The DR has an interesting communication infrastructure. No land-line phones or mail but cell phones. Breakfast was sweet rice and the ever-present and very delicious bananas and pineapple.

Around 11 am the team loaded up the bus and truck and travelled northwest to a town called Oregano Grande. This is a town located about 45 minutes from Azua and across a river. One familiar with this trip will remember that this is a village visited two and three years ago. It's secluded and in a beautiful setting between the mountains but very poor. The adventure is that the team needs to wade across a fairly quick moving river to get there. This is always a great time for photos and laughs.

The team participated in a worship service, delivered bibles and handed out tracts, crosses and candy. Of course, any time we come into contact with people we tell them that we are Christians from America and want them to know Jesus. Many prayers are offered for them to not only know Christ but for any personal issues they may experiencing. A seven year-old boy recited Psalms. It was especially moving when we found out his father was buried the day before. The new young pastor told us that they have not been visited by missionaries for two years (maybe us?).

After a late lunch of chicken, spaghetti, potatoes and rice Dan, Paul, Sonia, Megan and Betsy got dressed and attended Pastor Wilfredo's wedding. The rest of the team loaded the bus and truck and traveled to a neighborhood in the city to show the Jesus film.

It truly turned out to be a special night. The writer of this blog finds it difficult to put into words certain things of a spiritual nature that can happen during a mission trip. “Surpassing all human understanding” is a fitting description.

Part of the team set up the sound and video in a church while the others canvassed the area with Pablito encouraging people to attend. After prayer a good turn-out was realized to include Shawn's family's Compassion child Jenkys. Prayer and worship was followed by a greeting from each team member.

Prior to the movie the men of the community were called to join a group across the street from the church in the secluded yard of a house. Using Pablito for interpretation Jim, Mark, Eric and Shawn witnessed to about 10 men detailing their own sinful lives prior to knowing Christ. If you know anything of the culture here in the DR you understand how amazing this was. Men do not respect, lead or serve their wives and children are usually only considered a result of an act of desire. Men certainly do not confront their own sin in this culture. The Lord used these 5 team members for exactly the length of the film (His length) to plant the seeds of change. We can only pray that these seeds will root and produce fruit.
After the team had packed up and were boarding the bus Nataniel called and invited everyone over to Wilfredo's wedding reception at the rehab center. Never would we have imagined eating a wedding feast on the basketball court poured by this team last year! The bride was beautiful, the groom handsome and the dinner tasted especially good as the best man was paying for it (Dan). There was a lot of question as to the origin of the meal itself because of the near-dark conditions but that and Laura leading the group singing Happy Birthday (in Spanish) to Lance made for a memorable ending to a late, but great day.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Off and Running

Day 1 - Thursday

A great start to our trip. After a devotion led by Jim from 1 Peter 4 the team went to the rehab center to repackage food. Over 1 ton of beans and rice were divided into family-sized portions, bagged and then bagged again with a bottle of cooking oil. They were able to package 400 family bags which would feed a family of 4 for a couple of days.

The team spent some time getting to know the guys at the rehab center. That included some basketball where the rehab boys were stunned at Laura's ability. Carmen was there and more than a few tears were shed on her arrival. A couple from Florida that have worked with Pablito and Ricardo in the past were also in attendance. Some powerful testimony was given – it has become clear early that the Holy Spirit is at work with this team.

After leaving the rehab center the team travelled to the Haitian village to visit Pastor Wilfredo. He showed everyone around and had a meeting with the team explaining where his ministry his now, where he would like to see it go for the future and what his needs are. Wilfredo is getting married on Friday (Dan is best man) and he introduced us to his wife-to-be.

After a late lunch of chicken, rice and fried banana the truck and the van were loaded up for the evening's activities to the north. The team split in two with the first team setting up in Cavuyita to show the Jesus film. After hearing the children sing in church and canvassing the area, they sang, showed the film, witnessed and handed out bibles.

The second team went to Los Lomas and participated in a worship service and delivered bibles and food. It was standing room only with estimations of about 300 people in attendance. While very poor in material goods, this village is rich in their faith and on fire for the Lord. Because of this fire the team wonders if their energies are better spent on areas that don't have such a heart for the Lord.

A late supper of passion fruit smoothies and ham & cheese sandwiches finished the evening and the team was back to the house by 11pm. A special message of love from Lance to his wife and girls for the birthday card.

No internet access yet but hope for tomorrow.

Gloria Dios (Glory to God)

p.s. the teachers are on strike on Azua

We're Here

Today was a travel day. After a minor delay in Green Bay our flights were uneventful (just like we like). We got through customs in Santo Domingo by 9pm and were greeted by Dan, Paul and Nataniel. It was a bit of a challenge for 17 of us (with luggage) to board our rented mini-bus but we arrived safely in Azua shortly after 11pm and after unpacking and a quick meeting found our mattresses around midnight.

This year's trip will see some changes. Ricardo is with the Lord but Nataniel is back in the fold as our principal contact. Pablo and Ruth have come from Puerto Rico and Pablito and Dorcas are here for us also as they live in Azua. Our Wisconsin team consists of Dan, Paul, Jim, Eric, Shawn, Duane, Jaimee, Lance, Mark, Betsy, Hank and Laura. We were also joined in Miami by Sonia and Megan (a surprise for Jaimee).

Because of the size of our group we have rented a mini-bus for the week. It may not be as adventurous as riding in the back of a pickup but practicality and safety need to rule. We will also split up most days to keep everyone busy and be the most effective for His Kingdom. We are staying upstairs in a rented house with enough bed/bath rooms for the 14 of us to live quite comfortably (according to Azua standards).

God's Blessings Until Tomorrow