Yearly Christian mission trip from Wisconsin to Azua, Dominican Republic to feed His people both spiritually and physically.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Looking back after a few days of trying to catch up on sleep, one can more easily put things into perspective. 2015 was a unique year. The team was the smallest in 7 years with only 3 men and 3 women and only 1 first-year member. While we may have had to pull-back a bit on our ministry, it turned out to be quite positive for a number of reasons.

The smaller group allowed Dan & Paul to spend much more time with the team doing day-to-day activities and less time trying to manage 14 people going 2 or 3 directions. The smaller team had more of a close-knit feeling as we did everything together. It meant greater individual participation at morning devotions. It made basic household living easier without mattresses on the floor, less food to prepare, more bathrooms per person, etc. Having fewer numbers also eliminated the need for the bus and allowed us to use just Pablo's truck and Genesis' van. It did mean Paul and Shawn driving more than usual.

This was an experienced team. While it was Deb's first year it was year 3 for Chloe, the 4th for Chris, 8th for Shawn, 10th for Dan and 11th for Paul. As the youngest member that has been on this team (15), it has been fun watching Chloe mature and the relationship she has with her dad. With the start of college this fall it will be difficult for her to return and they took that to heart and cherished every day to make memories that will last. Serving Christ in this capacity with your child is something special.

While team numbers were half of recent years, the ministry activities were only slightly reduced. There was some concern early about finances as team members are solely responsible for raising funds but our supporters have been generous with their blessings. Bibles, tracts and food was all reduced by about 20%. The following items were the major expenditures for 2015:

- 400 adult bibles
- 1080 children's bibles
- 1200 gospel tracts
- 125 wheelchairs (plus a number of walkers, crutches, and canes)
- 825 lbs. of beans and rice (plus oil) to make 275 family sized bags
- continued funding for 2 year-round feeding programs (hundreds of kids fed weekly)
- concrete floors for 2 churches
- tin roofs for 2 churches
- bathroom for church
- 5 mattresses
- other various small projects, items

The wheelchairs were unique this year. Much of our total budget (125 chairs at $200 each) was allocated to this ministry. Besides blessing people with a physical item, it allowed our spiritual ministry into homes and people's lives that we don't always see. We weren't totally prepared for the impact and response that this ended up having. The tears shed in the name of thankfulness to Jesus is something to behold and words cannot do it justice.

The Bible talks about the "body of Christ" as analogous to the human body (1 Cor. 12). Each member has a role for the entire body to be successful in caring out it's mission, all need to be functioning correctly, and every part is vital. We may have had only had 6 individuals but each one is blessed with spiritual gifts that complimented each other to allow the light of Jesus to shine.

We had a leader; someone with the ability to coordinate multiple situations at one time, have an understanding of the overall goal, how to reach that goal, and enable others to believe in that goal. We had a leader/servant; a person that worked in harmony with the leader and gives great effort with usually little recognition. Someone that is able to perform any task asked of them and is really the backbone of the team. We had a teacher; this person is called "pastor" in the DR. This is someone always focusing on the spiritual nature of our mission with the ability to speak the Gospel to the masses. We had another with the gifts of teacher, servant, and mercy. A soft heart with the ability to not only speak the native language but do it with truth, conviction, and compassion. We had another servant; always looking to get their hands dirty and do physical labor but with a touch of mercy and the ability to communicate well with the youth. And we had another member with mercy as their principle gift. While a servant when needed, always looking to the children and showing them the love of Jesus through hugs. The body was complete and functioned well.

While this blog may appear to some to focus on the team and what we did let us be clear. We want this to be about Jesus; only Jesus. Jesus is the reason we spend our own money to leave our families, jobs, and school for 9 days. This is not a vacation but the spiritual rewards are greater. We know what Jesus did for us and we cannot help but tell others and share the blessings He gave us. How much would we have to hate someone to know what Jesus did for us and not tell them? This isn't done out of a sense of duty or obligation (Eph. 2:8-9). We do this because we are called. Jesus chose us and we cannot help but follow Him and do works in His name (Matt. 5:16, James 2:26).

We are blessed. No way to get around that. Blessed with life in the U.S. Blessed with good health and safety while in the DR. Blessed with our ministry partners from the DR. Blessed by our financial and prayer supporters. Blessed by the faith we see in some of the Dominican people who live in conditions less than most of our pets. Blessed in the knowledge that Christ has saved us from an eternal punishment and allowed His Spirit to dwell in us for His glory.

Gracious Jesus!

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