Yearly Christian mission trip from Wisconsin to Azua, Dominican Republic to feed His people both spiritually and physically.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 5 - Gifts from God

After breakfast Chris led a devotion on trusting God.

The team split up immediately to prepare for the big wheelchair project. Dan, Paul and Kris ran errands while Shawn took Chloe and Deb to the marketplace to pass out tracts. While minimal Spanish can be spoken between the three, the gospel of Jesus transcends language. They are always warmly received and about 300 tracts were passed out in only 30-45 minutes. 

Later in the morning was the beginning of probably the largest single-day project this team has undertaken in terms of both financial and time. Of the 125 wheelchairs purchased, 75 were scheduled to be distributed through the Disabled Center using the Blind Center facilities. The chairs (in addition to crutches, walkers, and canes) had to be transported 10 at a time from a warehouse to the Blind Center. (It finally gave Chloe a chance to do the hard physical work she’s been looking forward to.) Part of the team transported and part of the team unboxed and assembled.

It took a lot of planning and things didn't go perfect but in the end every thing turned out great. Vehicles of all sorts (usually motorcycles) would drop someone off, a team member would help them into a new wheelchair, and then push them into the building where their name was checked off the list. They were then treated to a sandwich and lemonade before being wheeled into the back courtyard. When all had arrived prayers and praise were shared, hugs given, and tears shed. While a ton of work had to be done to make this happen, seeing all those emotional faces praising God was well worth it.

The Familia brothers had invited the team for supper earlier in the week so chicken, salad, and cheese bollitos (yucca) were served on their veranda.

Because of such a full day, by the time the team got to the site where the Jesus film was to be shown it was dark. We usually like to get to the site an hour prior to set-up, play music and canvass the area to encourage people to attend. To our surprise there were about 100 kids already sitting in chairs in the middle of the street waiting for us.  What joy to be welcomed in such a way! After the start of the film about another 50-100 people showed up to make it a special night. A very poor area but such an event. A moon almost full, many stars in the sky, 80 degrees,150+ people intently watching the Jesus film which was followed by a message on Biblical Manhood and Children. Genesis and his brother the local pastor also gave a call to prayer and music and praise followed.

The Team retired by 11pm after the nightly debrief: exhausted, some minor health issues otherwise in good spirits.

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