Written Sunday, February 22 9:30 pm
Another good day in the Lord's kingdom.
The day began with devotions led by Eric – Romans 3.
After breakfast the team loaded up and visited the prison in Azua. This has been a yearly ritual. The girls stayed back; not so much for safety but to allow the men to talk to the men in the prison without distractions. The team is literally inside with the prisoners. Each team member gave testimony or a message always using scripture. They focused on the sins of men and this culture and how by turning away from their ways and allowing Christ into their lives they have the promise of salvation. The team was well received as usual. We always are amazed by the respect that these killers, rapists, thieves and drug dealers have for Christian Americans. Soap, bibles and tracts were left. It is always a powerful experience.
Around noon the entire team went to the main hospital in Azua. They wanted to concentrate primarily on the Haitian patients who were victims of the earthquake. It is always difficult to witness suffering and there was plenty of that here. This is a large four-story hospital with sometimes 8 patients in a room: not even a curtain or sheet for privacy. Try to imagine. Many broken limbs and amputations. Few photos are taken of visits such as this due to respect for the patients but the images will be burned into the minds of the team for some time.
We delivered the packages of personal hygiene products (in the DR you must bring your supplies with you to the hospital), handed out tracts, bibles, crosses and children's bibles. One room was exclusively children. We went from room to room and laid on hands and prayed. Sonia knows French, Ray and Pablo Junior Spanish and Pablo Junior's wife is Haitian so we have English, Spanish, Creole and French covered wherever our travels lead.
The desire to know God's mind is so refreshing at times during our mission. A few times today a nurse would find us asking for a bible and so excited when we would give her one. They don't have bookstores in Azua so having a bible is a truly a valuable item. In one particular hospital room we came across an English-speaking Haitian woman who was caring for her brother. She was a Christian and badly wanted a bible in English. Shawn reached into his pack and pulled out the bible he bought for the trip. A simple $10 purchase in a bookstore in Appleton, Wisconsin now became what appeared to be the greatest gift this Haitian woman has ever received. She gave Shawn such a hug. It will never cease to amaze us the people in this world that respect the Bible for what it is: the true and living Word of God.
After the hospital visit we went back to Ricardo's where Big Pablo was making us a special lunch. Coke, cheeseburgers and fries made for a great late lunch and diversion from the usual DR fare of beans, rice, fruit, chicken and fried plantain.
Usually the team plays a game of softball with the rehab guys but this year they wanted to dedicate the new concrete of their basketball court by playing the Americanos. In the end I think the games were evenly split. Who knew Dan had such moves?
The evening program was spent showing the Jesus film in a village about 5 miles southwest of Azua. It was a great night. Over 200 people showed up and were very attentive and enthusiastic and even applauded during some scenes. Tracts were passed out before the film, the “salvation sketch” was shown after the film and the local pastor, Raymond, Eric, Sonia and Paul gave a message. The team then laid hands and prayed for those who asked, which were many.
The team finished the night before 10 pm with ice-cream.
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